THOR368: Pesan Dilengkapi Fiture Peyisipan Kartu Nama

Merek: THOR368

THOR368 Quadra 605s have no reset button or programmer's button, but key combinations can perform the same functions. Pressing the power-on key while booted is the same as selecting the Shut Down command in the Finder, and once a Quadra 605 has completed its shutdown process it will prompt the operator to manually turn it off.|World Holocaust Forum

require(['//'], function(iLogger) { try { window.iLogger = iLogger; window.__wpk = iLogger.iLoggerIntegrate({ pid: 'ntccikh9-c1mxofok', cid: 'pdp-pc-revamp', rel: '1.4.4', cluster: 'intl', }); } catch (e) { console.error('init wpkReporter fail', e); } return null; });