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SINARJP This prevented BCal from achieving higher volumes over which to spread its fixed costs. Several rounds of talks that were aimed at achieving a full-scale merger ensued with various airlines in the UK, the US, Canada and Europe. In addition, BA's impending privatisation and the Government's refusal to fully implement the recommendations contained in the CAA's airline competition White Paper meant that BCal was unable to acquire the economies of scale it needed to compete with these airlines on a level playing field. It also deprived the airline of the capacity to generate the funds to continue investing in fleet renewal, further network expansion and new information technology systems. BCal's future prospects as a stand-alone, medium-sized airline operating a variety of short-, medium- and long-haul scheduled services were rapidly diminishing against a background of looming consolidation in the airline industry. This was driven by the giant US carriers that had begun channeling their traffic flows into powerful hub-and-spoke operations, rather than feeding these into the networks of BCal and other international partner airlines, in the wake of US deregulation.|{3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten} Most Amazing Slot Xy Changing How We See The World

require(['//'], function(iLogger) { try { window.iLogger = iLogger; window.__wpk = iLogger.iLoggerIntegrate({ pid: 'ntccikh9-c1mxofok', cid: 'pdp-pc-revamp', rel: '1.4.4', cluster: 'intl', }); } catch (e) { console.error('init wpkReporter fail', e); } return null; });