SHIOKAMBING The story centers around Dougal, who becomes suspicious when a blue cat arrives at the Magic Garden. Other characters included Mr McHenry (Bonhomme Jouvence), the elderly gardener who rode a tricycle, and a talking locomotive with a 4-2-2 wheel arrangement and a two-wheel tender. In the United States, the series was called The Magic Carousel and it aired in the 1980s on Pinwheel, a programme on the children's channel Nickelodeon. Brian was unsophisticated but well-meaning. In Germany and in Austria it was translated to Das Zauberkarussell. This album has been re-released twice on CD by the BBC, first in 2005 (BBC Audio:Children's) to coincide with the 'new' film and again in 2010 (Vintage Beeb), featuring the original LP artwork and a bonus interview with Eric Thompson. In the Netherlands, a Dutch version was aired by the NTS (Dutch Television Foundation, one of the national broadcasters at the time) in black and white as 'De Minimolen' ('The Mini Carousel').|{3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten} Easy Steps To More Slot Temple Free Slots Sales