TITANZ RTP SLOT Likewise, its Hoboken base was confiscated and turned over to the US Navy, which used it as a transshipping point for the duration of the war. As with HAPAG, those NDL ships surviving the war were eventually confiscated as reparation, leaving the company to start over from scratch. During World War II, NDL repeated its World War I experience, with some parts of its fleet again being interned at the outbreak of the war, while a number of vessels remained under NDL control. NDL attained several speed records over the years. US operations were resumed in 1922, when NDL was able to purchase its former base from the United States Alien Property Administrator. Hapag and NDL continued to compete until they established a joint-venture container line. The "Hapag-Lloyd Container Line", founded in 1967 and operating from 1968 onward, was established to share the huge investments related to the containerisation of the fleets.|Grand Prix F1 Austria 2024